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13th Maine Infantry

Item LTR-9603
May 8, 1863 Joseph D. Wyman
Price: $125.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 4 pages, written in period ink.

Fort Jackson
May 8, 1863

My ever dear beloved wife and daughter,

I write to let you know that I am well tonight. I received today five letters; one March 23, one April 10, one April 13, one April 20, and one April 21. The one April 21 had my currency in it. I am obliged to you Mary B. I was glad to hear from you and Ada S., that sweet girl. Oh bless her soul and body. I have not been paid yet. You Mary B. have all the money I have sent to you. I have heard from it all and now Mary when I am paid I will send all I can spare. You can rest assured of that my sweet one. Oh Mary B. God would be pleased that I have so good a wife at home. Mary, the currency has nothing to do with a pension whatsoever. I look out for that I can tell you. For I went to a lawyer to know. I am fervent as I can be. I don’t drink or gamble nor play cards. I am steady and I feel as I obey, for God is my judge. He rules the heavens and earth. I got the wafers today. They were but few but I thank you just as much if they had been a vast body. Mary I love you more and more. I can not express my love to you and Ada S.. Mary kiss Ada for me. Oh God grant that my life be spared to get home again where I can pray in peace and talk of thy goodness and thy love and thy spirit that dwell in the heart. Oh God put a stop to this cruel war. Oh I beseech thee. Oh Lord does hear thy present unto my cry and hear my prayer and renew my love toward you. Oh Lord I feel as I want more of your love to guide me and to protect me. Oh God wash my heart with that spirit of love of the Savior that Lamb of God. Mary B., Charles has been to see me today. He and I had fun reading letters today. You wanted me to excuse your love in your letter but I shall not. For there was all love in every word of them. I feel proud to think that I have got so good a wife. Oh Mary when I read your letters the tears start out of mine eyes. Oh my heart is full of love to the Mary my wife. Oh Mary may God grant his love to rest around you and Ada and send his blessings around you. Charles has got his currency today too. Charles is stiddy. I think he drinks but if any I have never heard of him getting tight. If he had I should have heard of it I know.

The 9th of May

I am well tonight and hope you are the same. I send my love to that sweet girl that writes those sweet lines to her Father. Oh if I had time to write I would write to her every time I wrote to you Mary but I have not the time. I hope Ada will excuse her Father for he loves her dearly. Oh Mary I wish I could kiss those sweet cheeks of yours and Ada tonight. It would be good all there my sweet. But the time is coming I hope when we shall meet again and then I shall be happy. I must stop now. This is from your husband true and honest to you and Ada S.

Joseph D. Wyman
Letter No. 59

Your last letter was No. 61

I have got 58 from you and 49 from Ada sweet one
So good luck to Mary B. Wyman and to that good Ada S. Wyman
Sweet and love ones at home.

Joseph D. Wyman