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46th Pennsylvania Infantry

Item LTR-9991
August 1, 1864 Daniel Davis
Price: $220.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 3 pages, written in period ink.

Camp 46th Pennsylvania Volunteers
Camp Near Atlanta, Georgia

August 1, 1864

Dear Brother Dave,

Your very welcome letter of the 20th July reached me day before yesterday. But matters and things were a little too noisy and affairs looked rather too interesting at the time to admit of my answering just then. The affairs I write of was this. Our pickets were not far enough advanced from our works. This allowed the Rebel sharpshooters a chance to annoy the artillery men while working their guns. So, on Saturday last, General Knipe commanding our Division ordered the pickets to advance and drive the Rebel skirmishers from their works. And it was done although there was some hard fighting between them. The musketry at times was very heaving. Making us believe there would be a general engagement. One hundred rebs were captured and they seemed pretty well satisfied with the change. The Johnnies not liking the turn of affairs, had taken and opened on our lines with artillery. Ours of course, replied and the dueling was kept until after dark. This of course kept us close to our works. As it is not very pleasant to be walking around with pieces of shell flying in every direction. One of our company was mortally wounded on the picket line on that day. Sherman has commenced his “flanking” again. It may be some time before he gets things fixed. As he must be careful in changing the different Corps from right to left of the line. There will be a hard fight. I’m thinking though before we get the city. It will be mostly on the flank though. Hooker has left us and the next place you hear of him will be in Washington. For Matchette has been promoted to Captain of Company I, McQuillan to 1st Lieutenant of C. We have suffered pretty severely in officers. Besides these were four other wounded but you would not know them as they are some of the new men. I must close now as the mail is about going out.

Give my love to Sisters and Brothers to all inquiring friends. My warmest love to yourself from your affectionate Son,


Direct to:
Daniel Davis
Company C
46th Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers
1st Division, 20th Corps