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42nd, 56th & 146th New York Infantry - Surgeon

Item MED-8360
February 21, 1862 George H. Fossard
Price: $185.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 6 pages, written in period ink.

Camp Cogswell
February 21st 1862

Dear Dan,

Last evening I received an unfinished letter with no name affixed. But had one of the apostles come down from Heaven and sworn it was not one of your inimitable letters I would have told him he lied.

I began to think that you, like Henry, had forgotten me. But your letter is conclusive proof that you still remember me. I am satisfied Dan that neither does Henry have any idea of the pleasure it affords me to hear from you or you would have written sooner and oftener.

I am happy to hear that you’re having such a jolly time in port.

Poor Lulu, how badly she must feel since you’ve jilted her. It amuses me to read the book you indulge in concerning her since the advent of Louisa G. Mullins couldn’t have induced you to do it before she came. By the way, I regret very much that she had formed so bad an opinion of me as to think I would get tight and what surprises me still mire is that Mud believed it. I thought she was sufficiently well acquainted with me to know that I never indulge in such luxuries, and friend enough to refute such a slander.

I am rejoiced that Blanch has changed her opinion concerning our ride, and extremely happy that Gertrude enjoyed it so much. I regard it as an oasis in the journey of life.

Dan, I cannot imagine how you managed all your business at the present time you having on your hands. Let me see, Louisa, Blanch, Miss Chapin (by the way has she found that box) (if you ask her, don’t tell I desired to know for I don’t want H to think that I imagined she was roping me in). Knick and a thousand and one others whom I don’t know. Thunder! How it must tax you.

I am grateful that there are so many who keep me in remembrance. Remember to them all, and particularly those whom you know to be friends.

I’ll not forget that Sunday is your birthday. We’ll celebrate Washington’s tomorrow in high style, songs and speeches, etc. And I’ll be careful not to exhaust myself so that I may be able to celebrate yours on the following day. Mine does not occur until the 30th of June when Providence and General Comg. Permitting I’ll be with you so that I can celebrate the 4th of July in Port.

I receive the Tri States quite regularly now. About two out of three. One of these days, I’ll send a letter to Tri States because you desire me to. Not that I think ‘twill prove interesting to readers.

I am much obliged for the perfume and shall carefully cherish it as a memento of my friend Dan.

You ask me what I think of General Stone “Fosith” – well, I am not at liberty to say much, as I’ll probably be a witness at his trial. This I’ll say, however, I do not think the charges against him can be proved. I think he is a weak man but not a wicked one.

Nothing new has occurred in these stuck in the mud regions since his assault except an order to double the pickets and keep a sharp lookout along the river on 21st and 22nd (today and tomorrow). But this I think will amount to no more than has a dozen such order. I scarcely think the enemy will attack us after the many brilliant victories we have just achieved and as for us moving ‘tis as impossibility on account of the mud.

When I was in New York I had some photographs taken and directed that they should be sent by Express. As yet, I’ve not received them and fear they are lost. Should they turn up, I’ll send you one.

Last week one of our men died in camp (hospital). He had just been discharged. Having no Chaplain in the regiment, I was selected to read the burial service. Which I did. I trust with becoming dignity and impressiveness. We’ve lost but two since May from disease. Though at the present time, we have quite a number sick but think they’ll all recover.

Having used up all my paper, with a hope to hear from you soon, I bid you good night.

Ever yours,

George H. Fossard