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Captain Augustus L. Case USN

Item NMC-6898
December 18, 1864 Augustus L. Case
Price: $250.00


9 pages, period ink. Letter is addressed to Admiral Goldsborough and refers to many noteable names (Adms Porter & Farragut, Senators Foote & Morgan, Fleet Captains) also names of ships to include: USS Muscoota, Colorado. Great insight into war time navy politics.)

Navy Yard, New York
18th Dec. 1864

My Dear Admiral:

How are you this long time? Quite well, I judge from the usual fun I saw in a letter from you to Behan which he gave me to read two or three days since. The old fellow was in a "regular funk." The Dept. had declined to give him permission to be examined & ordered him to the Rendezvous to relieve Hanway, which he considered as being "laid on the shelf." However the next day an order came to his examination. He wanted it immediately & was considerably annoyed at a probable delay owing to Ransom, who had been on the board, being ordered to the "Muscoota" & thinking he would not have time to examine him. I overcame this. The old fellow went before the medical board, which refuses to pas him. He still wishes the professional board to examine him, which I think will be done tomorrow, though I can't see what advantage it will be to him. Everyone knows his professional ability. I am right sorry. It is a great pity he had not delayed the examination until his health was completely restored _____ there is some chronic disability which would have ___ then as now.

What glorious news we have! Everything seems to be & is working well for the termination of this rebellion. It is on its "last legs." I trust we shall hear within the next two days that Porter is in possession of the forts at Cape Fear River. We hear a large army accompanied him, which was all that was required to insure success. He has more vessels than required for the service & unless he keeps a portion up & down the coast from the forts, they will insure each other. I consider the question of capture settled & only regret that I am not present to participate. I should be.

The Fleet Captains of the early part of the war are making an effort to have the section of the prize law, which gives a share to Fleet Captains, apply from the commencement of the present war. See copy of the proposed amendment herewith enclosed.

Will you see Mr. Rice on the subject and explain it to him fully - advocate it too, if you think it just.

Dupont has written Mr. Gorwin of the Senate & Mepin Kelly, Brandease & others of the House. Temple notes Senator Foote who will introduce the bill in the Senate, where, Senator Morgan promises to give it his close attention & aid; but I suppose it should, being a money matter, originate in the House. All I have conversed with consider the claim a just one & one which should pass without a dissenting voice. Fox & Faxon, I am told, fully approve & will give it all the aid they can. The main thing however is to get it approved & endorsed by the Naval Committees & either attached to the appropriations bill or _____clear of riders.

Perhaps it will be best not to tell Mr. Rice that Fox & Faxon approve it, but get them to do so. You will know best about this. What prospect have you of getting off? Do you think your orders (ours) will be issued in the year 64? I shall be ready for a move. It is quite currently reported that you are to go & I believe the same of myself for I have received letters from the Colorado to that affect. We had a splendid launch Thursday. Farragut was present. He looks very well. The good people of New York are preparing a great time for him. They will give him a house, with means to keep it. A great better than a plate. Arnie sends her love to the Admiral. Mrs. Case and the rest of the family have been at Newburgh since the 1st. Remember me most kindly to Mrs. Goldsborough. Miss Lissie & Mr. Hugh. Regards to Byman & other friends in the Dept.

Faithfully yours,
A. Ludlow Case

L. M. Goldsborough
U.S. Navy
Washington, D.C.

[ Enclosure]

Fleet captains who will be benefited by the proposed bill.

C. H. Davis
H. Bill
P. Drayton
T. A. Jenkins
W. R. Taylor
A. L. Case
A. M. Pennock
Raymond Rodgers
Purce Crosby
W. H. Tample