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2nd New Hampshire Infantry

Item DOC-8886
July 17, 1861
Price: $110.00


Original Civil War document written in period ink.

Camp Sullivan
Washington, DC

July 17th 1861

Special Order No. 2

The following order is issued for the benefit of the Remnant of the New Hampshire Volunteers, 2nd Regiment.

Reveille at 6:00 when the men will immediately rise and put themselves and their equipment in order for the day.

Assembly at 5:30 o’clock a.m. and is the signal for the officers in charge of companies to assemble at headquarters for instructions.

Peas upon at trenches. At 6 o’clock and is the signal for breakfast.

Morning Roll call at 6:30.

Surgeons call at 8:00 a.m.

General Assembly at 7: 30 when the officers and soldiers and all assemble at headquarters after which a police officer and a police part under his direction will be detached. The police officer accompanied by the surgeon will inspect daily the sinks and kitchens and will correct all irregularities.

Reports must be presented at regimental headquarters before 9 o’clock a.m.

Roast Beef. The signal for dinner will be beat at 12 o’clock noon.

Supper at 6 o’clock p.m.

Tattoo at 8:30. Roll call after which both officers and soldiers will remain in camp until reveille unless out under orders or with special written permit from the Commanding Officer.

2nd Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers
Camp Sullivan

July 16th 1861