15th New Hampshire Infantry - NEW
Item LTR-10983
October & December 1862
Absalom Ford
Price: $60.00
2 Original Civil War soldier's letter. Total of 3 pages, written in (1) period ink and (1) in period pencil.
Letter #1
Camp Colby
October 22
nd [1862]
Dear Father,
It is rather late but I have not much to do, so I will let you know about us. We have had our orders to go from here. We go to Newburn, NC. Start next week Saturday. We drill 4 hours a day, have a very good time.
Jenness was here yesterday, stayed all night. He has swapped horses. Got one of Carter’s, the Yankee Notions Peddler’s. we are having a stove put in our barracks. George is not feeling very well. Has got the headache. Will be better tomorrow. I guess. If Ed has got any money or when he does, I want him to pay Jim $5.00 when he gets home for me. I shall go to Boston Saturday if I can, but do not see much chance. It is some cold but we do not lay cold at all.
If you, any of you, come down, let me know if you can. Whoever comes I should like to have them come so as to go to Boston with me.
I cannot think of anymore to write.
In Haste
Your son,
A. Ford
Letter #2
Brooklyn Dec 4th 1862
Dear Sister,
We started last night about three o’clock to come in and are in the Armory. Some of the companies are starting to go onboard of the boat now & what time we shall go I do not know.
You need not write until you hear from me again. Tell Lou & Arrie I have got all of their letters. Got one last night & one from Mr. Marsden. I got Father’s the 2
nd. Tell all not to write until you hear from me. I will write as soon as we get to our place of stopping. Cannot stop to write any more now.
From your brother Absalom