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92nd New York Infantry - Killed at Chaffin's Farm, VA - NEW

Item LTR-10984
1862-1864 Columbus Huntly
Price: $100.00


4 Original Civil War soldier's letter. Total of 7 pages, written in (3) period ink and (1) in period pencil.

Letter #1
March 17th 1862
Absent Wife,
I now take a few moments time to write you a few lines to let you know that I am well and I hope those few lines will find you and the children all well.  I have enjoyed myself first rate on my journey.  I expect we will be discharged in 5 or 6 weeks and I want to know if you are willing that I may enlist in the regular army for 5 years.  They will give me 25 dollars bounty down and a furlough for sixty days to go home if I will enlist.
Give my respect to all.
This from your best friend,
C. Huntly
Letter #2
New Bern
June 10th 1863
My Dear Wife,
I take this opportunity to write to you to let you know that I am well and hope this will find you the same.  I have got my pay for two months and will send you 20 dollars in this letter and I will send some more in the next letter.  I have not much new to write.  The last letter I got from you was written the 29th of May.  I don’t see why I don’t get more letters from you.  I write once a week to you and I want you to write once a week.  If I don’t get more letters from you, I shall quit writing to you.
I don’t know as I have anything more to write.  Do good by this.
From your husband,
C. Huntly
Letter #3
Fort Anderson
New Bern, NC
October 29th 1863
Dear Wife,
I take this opportunity to write to you to let you know that I am well.  I hope these few lines will find you and the children enjoying the same blessing.  I have not had a letter from you yet.  I begin to think you have forgotten me.  I will send you an envelope in every letter so you can write to me.  We are here in our fort.  Yet I expect to stay here until our time is out.  Write and let me know if you have moved yet and if you have sold the cow, and where the children are.  Write all the news.  Tell Mr. Owen to write.  I haven’t much news to write.  Everything is quiet here in Carolina at present.
We are living first rate now days.  We have good times.  We have preaching in the fort every Sunday and prayer meeting twice a week.
I shall be glad when my time is out so I can come home to live with you and the children again.
I don’t mean to enlist again.  For three years is enough for me to be a soldier.  Write on the other half of this sheet.  No more at present.  So goodbye.  This from your husband, Columbus Huntly to Eleanor Huntly.
C. Huntly
Letter #4
August 26th 1864
Dear Wife,
I have got my check and I will send it to you.  You can get the money on it and use it to the best advantage you can.  Pay Mr. Van Brocklin and Tul.  And Goss.  I am well and I haven’t had a letter from you yet.
Write as soon as you get this.
This from,
Columbus Huntly