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30th Maine Infantry - NEW

Item LTR-10988
May 9, 1865 Francis H. Coffin
Price: $50.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages, written in period ink.

May 9, 1865

My Dear Wife,
            I have been writing Lutir which I enclose to you and as you can read that, I need not write the same to you.  I have written you three or four times and telegraphed as many.  So I think you must have been kept pretty well informed.  Frank is determined I shall not go home until I have been to Mt Vernon with him and as last night and today have been very rainy.  We can not go there tomorrow as we proposed even if it is fair the roads are so bad and the next day there is a large “river” in this vicinity which takes in  the 30th so Frank can’t leave that day and that puts it off till Friday and will put me off so I can not get home till Monday or Tuesday morning. That is longer then I wish to stay, but I am as anxious as Frank to go then shall probably miss it and remain.  
            Major Gould and Charley Hall will probably go with us, and most likely Col. Whitman and possibility all the Field and Staff officers of the 30th who can be allowed to leave at the same time.  I am first Rate and getting along finely. Love to the children and Jamima after taking out your own share as usual.
Your Off Husband
F. H. Coffin