6th Pennsylvania Cavalry - Rush's Lancers - NEW
Item LTR-10992
March 31, 1862
Oswald Jackson
Price: $60.00
Original Civil War soldier's letter. 3 pages, written in period ink.
Near Newport News, Virginia
March 31
st 1862
Dear Miss Ella,
Do not think me very remiss in not answering your last kind letter received while in Washington. For the impending departure of our Corps and the multiplicity of thoughts crowding into my brain at the time made even my home correspondence very irregular. I have not allowed you to imagine that I have forgotten you and I am sure you are too good and too old a friend to believe that I would willingly slight your kindness. I have just time, after returning from a reconnaissance with General Keyes towards the pickets beyond Newport News, to write a letter to Mother and enclose this note to beg that you will not allow any irregularity on my part to interfere with your letters. Which I assure you I prize most highly and have learned to look for eagerly. My letter to Mother describes all I have done and seen and she will tell you all or read it to you if you wish. My time is so limited now that I cannot write but a few lines to express to you my continuous regard and to claim my place in your friendship, which I sincerely hope no slight cause will damage. With my regards to Richard.
I am,
Ever your attached friend,
Oswald Jackson