11th Maine Infantry
Item LTR-11023
May 24, 1865
Charles Bowker
Price: $60.00
Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages, written in period ink.
Camp 11
th Regiment Maine Volunteers
Richmond, VA
May the 24
th 1865
Mr. Kingsbury,
Sir, by the request of George French and a few others I will write a few lines to you in regard to a box of clothing that we have sent to you by Adams Express. We started it the 22
nd day of May and as there was five of us that had clothing in the box, we thought we had better send it to you and let our folds come there and get what we have sent to them and if you will receive the box and settle the bills you will oblige us very much and I will se that you are paid. Our things are marked with our names on them so there will be no trouble about their getting them. I will write the names of them that sent things: Charles Bowker, George D. French, H. B. Stanhope, H. Staples, W. Gerrish.
Respectfully yours,
Chas. Bowker
You will please say to my folks if you see them that I am well.