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51st Indiana Infantry - Captured at Gaylesville, AL

Item LTR-249
December 19, 1862 Christopher B. Long
Price: $145.00


4 page original Civil War soldier's letter, written in period ink and war dated.

Camp Lebanon, Kentucky
December 19, 1862

Mr. S. L. Dunn

Dear Sir,

I take this opportunity to write to you to let you know that I am still on the land and among the living and in a fair way. We are not camped in about forty miles of Soller Coffin [Illinois] and are expecting to get marching orders every day. And then it won't take us long to get so that we can smell the gun powder. For they will make it hard and for when they are routed and backed up. The thing we were told about with them was they count them the two hardest places to take that they have got. And I think that we can soon root them for sure if they will let us get at them. For there is about two and three hundred of men around here and all of us are anxious to get at them. We all had some pretty hard tramps since I wrote to you. And the mud was from to the top of my shoe every day. And it was some of the small boys tumble down on the side of the road and waiting for the wagons. Well Sam, if I was out of Uncle Sam's employment I think that I would study some before I would like to fight again. For I never did like to be a servant for anyone. Sometimes I rub my hand over ever face to see if there ain't some Negro slave. And then I think that it is for our country that I have wanted to try and help save and then it doesn't seem quite so hard with me. For without it I don't want to stay any longer here and if I should fall tryng to save it I don't want any better. Save the flag of our country and that is what keeps up our spirits. To know that I am defending the ony country tha tis on the face of the globe that is from oppression. Direct your letter to Lebanon, Kentucky, 51st Regiment, Indiana Volunteers, in the care of Captain Willis.

Your affectionate friend,

C. B. Long