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16th Pennsylvania Cavalry

Item LTR-294
April 9, 1864 Jacob Beidler
Price: $165.00


2 page original Civil War soldier's letter, written in period ink and war dated.

Turkey Run, Virginia
April 9th 1864

Friend Daniel Rohrer,

I take this time to write you a few lines to inform you that I received your kind and very welcome letter a few days ago and I was sorry to hear that you had been sick for so long a time, yet I am glad to hear that you are better. I have had very good health all winter. I must say I never put in a winter that I enjoyed as good health as I have this winter. We have had a very open winter her. It has been pleasant all winter toward what it was last winter. But now for over two weeks we have had a great deal of rain. It rains about every other day. Which keeps the roads in very bad condition it is almost impossible for to get through with wagons now. Yesterday we had a very pleasant day but his morning it is raining again. I do not think that this army can move yet for three or four weeks. As it is impossible for an army to move during the time roads are so very bad. For the transportation is heavy and it cannot be hauled and it would be an impossibility to move the artillery now. But I do think that when the roads get good that there will be something done. For I do think that Lieutenant General Grant will be able to do something. For I believe he is very popular among the army. Now there is nothing doing here at all. Everything is quiet here. But I am in hopes that this summer will close this rebellion. Not that I am tired of soldiering but for the good of the country.

Now a word more about is if my money is all safe. You do not need to put yourself to any trouble. As I do not want to use it while I am in the service. And it is as good there as any other place. So just leave it as it is unless they will pay you. But if they do not pay you, it will be all right just so that I can get it as soon as I get out of this.

So now I think I must close. Please give my best respect to J. B. Hall and family and all the rest of my friends and keep a portion for yourself.

So no more from your friend,

Jacob Beidler
In care Lieutenant J. K. Robinson
A.A. Quartermaster
2nd Brigade
2nd Division
Washington D.C.