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140th & 39th New York Infantry - Captured at Gettysburg

Item LTR-7629
April 13, 1865 Thomas B. Rodgers
Price: $325.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages, written in period ink. Envelope addressed to his mother is included.

2nd Corps Hospital
City Point

Thursday Evening
April 13th [1865]

Dear Mother,

I am still here in hospital. Am much better than when I wrote you last, which was on Sunday. I think I am as well as I can get here and I can’t get north. The surgeon has tried but without avail. My name was sent in twice but the Surgeon in Chief had to strike off the names of all not wounded. An officer can be sent north from here except on leave of absence from Army Headquarters on recommendation of the Surgeon in Chief. These are given to none but wounded. The Surgeon told me he was sorry. That it was not just, that many slightly wounded get 30 days leave who would be fit for duty before I would. But under the orders, he had had no discretion. I think, as soon as I hear that our Division has settled somewhere, I will go to the regiment and get a leave there. Colonel Fraser passed through here on Tuesday on his way to the regiment. The regiment suffered more on Friday last than in all of the campaign before. Two officers were killed and one is here wounded, Captain Kerr. Captain Wilson who was wounded the day I was there is here and will not live it is thought till morning. Sergeant Fox, William Griggs and Corporal Ritner of Company B are here slightly wounded. Smail and Bogan of Company B were killed. I wrote you the great good news on Sunday night. I have no time for comment. It needs none. The great fact is enough. I have not had a mail yet. They had none at the regiment till within a day or two. I will have my letters soon.
