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37th Indiana Infantry - Rebels firing upon Rebels!

Item LTR-8991
April 24, 1863 Charles G. Adams
Price: $245.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 4 pages, written in period ink.

April 24, 1863
Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Dear Mother,

I have just taken up my pen to answer your kind and affectionate letter which has just come to hand and I am happy to say it found me in good health and spirits. I have just from the 68th. They are camped in site of our camp. Charles Taylor has got about well again so he is on duty. John Farmer is complaining some but he is able to be about well. Mother I have not started home yet but I think I will get to come home after a while.

Well we have moved into town for provost guards. We have a easy time now and in no danger whatever if there should be any fighting near here we would not be in it now. I expect we will stay here all summer. Our regiment is in good health and the best of spirits.

The Rebels have got to fighting among themselves. Down at Tullahoma the other day the infantry swore they would leave and go home for they had nothing to eat so they turned the battery on them and killed some of them, and they charged on the battery and took it. So some of their own deserters say that came from there to this place yesterday. He says they are perfectly demoralized and their officers can’t do anything with them much longer for they are starving. I think that’s the way the war will soon wind up and I don’t think it will be very long.

I am glad to hear that you all keep well. I got a letter the other day from America, she said she had the toothache but that ain’t dangerous but disagreeable. She said Robert Allen had been at my house to tell her about me and Albert. Well mother, must close my short letter. Hoping that I will soon get to come home to see you all once more which would be a great pleasure to me certain. I will write you and America another letter tomorrow for I am in a hurry today. I am in the best of health and spirits and Albert is to and all our regiment is in the same fix. So farewell for today.

Charles G. Adams to Elizabeth McKnight and all friends