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11th Massachusetts Infantry - Wounded at Gettysburg

Item LTR-8998
October 20, 1862 Charles A. Fiske
Price: $200.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages, written in period ink.

Camp Near Fairfax Seminary, VA
October 20th 1862

Dear Parents,

I received a letter from Joe dated the 12th on the 15th. I now hasten to answer it. I also received the small package at the same time. I am very well and in good spirits. I think that it is very strange that the allotment didn’t get along to you. I want you to get a solid silver lead pencil good size and a good gold pen. The whole cost about $3. You needn’t send any silver watch chain because I have got one that will do me just as well. You can do the money and stamps up in a proper package and get it registered and then it will come through safe enough. Dear Mother, I wish you could manage to send me out a small box with some good tomato sauce and ketchup and a cup cake. I do wish you would Mother. There is no trouble about a box coming through. They come through regularly every week, only 7 days on the road. There is a well-founded rumor here that they are going to take the cost of our state clothing out of our pay next pay day and that will be about $20. It is well founded. I don’t know whether it is true or not. So do send me, if you can, $3 or $4 worth of stuff. Send the other articles by mail. Write and let me know.

From your affectionate son,

Charles A. Fiske